Thursday, August 16, 2018

PixelCat Explains the Drama Between Him & Frisky Live

It's time everybody so... Let's let's just
let's just get right into the beef of what you guys want to fucking hear so
this is the stream where the drama happened so some pre - so we did stream
raids you know we joined servers we saw people and then my chat would say cancerous... Hang on what can you guys see yeah you guys see everything. So my stream
would say cancerous things in the chat one of those people some of those people
said stuff like like what did they say they said frisky raid and that's that's
where all this fucking shit started hang on I just realized I fucking dun goofed
something up here I can't see how many viewers I got now live streaming put
that there bear with me for one second so we did these stream raids and then um
somebody said frisky raid I read that out loud and I said frisky raid hahaha I
didn't endorse that I didn't start saying that I didn't say hey everybody
start spam and frisky raid I just said frisky raid  "huehuehue" so anyway after that
happened what some of my viewers are I.

Don't know who went to frisky someone
went to frisky and they told him that I. Said this now I feel like something was
up with me and frisky for a while because frisky took me off of his
soapbox so if we go over to my channel this is a sub box if you guys didn't
know these are the people that I. Manually put in that I want you to go
check out and I had frisky on there for a really long time until like three days
ago actually so anyway frisky took me off a real long
time ago and I'm not on there and I. Didn't really question it I was just
like you know whatever so I thought there was some beef and me and frisky
hadn't talked in a couple of months so then all of this shit's going down we're
doing the stream raids we're having a good time nothing no big deal
and then all of a sudden some people from frisky stream come into my chat and
they're like frisky wants to talk to you he's fucking pissed and I'm just like I
don't want to talk about this right now this isn't something I want to talk
about I'm streaming I'm having fun I'm doing my twitch raids blah blah blah and
I was like thinking to myself I'm like this should be something that's done off
stream this should not be something that's done on stream this is like
stupid I had 400 viewers at the time frisky had
like 200 viewers so 600 people were watching 600 people were watching this
shit go down so anyway once it all happened this is
what happened I said you know what fuck it I want to talk to him I'm going to
talk to him and this is what happened so y'all ready I'm a dick
I'm a big dick during this because this shouldn't have been done on livestream
that's how I feel about this opening closing opening closing curly bracket
some points like I did in my last stream just to talk about it more and yes I'm
talking about the drama he let it be talked about in front of 600 people so I
don't give two shits if he gets mad that I'm talking about it more curly bracket
closing curly bracket opening curly closing curly bracket open curly bracket
closing curly bracket opening there we go everyone get ready waiting the fuck
is your problem I don't have a problem why are you throwing my name is dirt
right other twitch streamers then you cunt I'm not that's my audience and all
I did was read it out loud you read it out loud you laughed about it didn't
know but instead you think it's funny to do targeted harassment against twitch
stream right this is already against YouTube's Terms of Service my fucking
name into it I didn't do that I just laughed and made jokes like I always do
you're the one choosing to get triggered about this I am going to get triggered
about it because you're using my name on a platform that I use
my audience did it and I read it out loud you could have just ignored it yeah
this the reason I unlink you from my fucking channel is because you are
already doing this targeted harassment shit and uploading it to YouTube making
it labeling it comedy when it's just it's just harassment dude I'm sorry you
don't like you don't have to watch it I.

Don't watch it okay and be over this our
friendships fucking over dude I'm fucking done with this shit okay I'm not
gonna support someone that does targeted harassment to people on a platform that
I do but don't fucking drag my name into it okie doke as simple as that I know
now yeah you know now you should have known
from beforehand but I guess you don't think before you do this cuz it's not
content it's harassment which is what we both did on gmod back when we use the
cooling that wasn't stream you make fun of how people sounded before I feel like
that's not even that big of a difference beyond that fucking kids myself I leave
I'd be vey I don't harass people dude your video say otherwise I could pull
them up right now that's fine then stop don't fucking twitch raids YouTube on
Twitch raids are never good that's always harassment that's always what
turns out from it I don't think we've done anything that bad today except drag
my name through the fucking dirt ha ha yeah yeah ok well whatever dude I'm
fucking done with this shit I'm done with your targeted harassment bullshit
ok you need a fucking straighten out your shit ok don't fucking talk to me
don't use my fucking name I don't want to hear anything anymore sounds good
good good bye good bye the call so basically everybody I was a big dick to
that cuz I feel like that should've been done I talked about on the livestream
they should have been something that I've talked about behind hands like if
he didn't like my fucking twitch rage videos I don't give a shit
he should have DMD about it and say like you know if my eye I don't like you for
doing this or whatever I feel like you are giving a bad name to the community I
feel like you're gonna give me a bad name if i'm associated with you so can
you just like not associate me with you anymore that would have been fine if he
would have DM me that if he would have sent me a DM saying something along the
lines of talking about that that would have been fine
that would have been reasonable I would have respected the shit out of that I
would have said like I would have been like ok that's fine we don't need to
make a big deal out of this we don't need to turn this into something huge
this could just be something that like that just gets thrown under the rug or
whatever that's exactly what happened with me and Boris me and Boris are
friends again now but me and Boris did have a falling out
I do we didn't want to make a big deal out of it we didn't want to make drama
out of it because that's not the kind of YouTube shit that we do we don't want to
make like we I don't want to stay here and like make my whole channel about
like fucking drama and stuff and I. Understand that's exactly what I'm doing
talking about this now but this was talked about in front of 600 people
because whisky wanted to do this on stream and if you watch that vaad if you
watch the vod's that we just watch I. Kept saying I don't want to talk about
this right now I don't want to talk about this right now I didn't want to
make this a big deal on livestream I. Didn't want to like turn this into
something that it didn't need to become I just wanted to play games I mean
that's what my channel is I play games and I make stupid memes and that's what
I want to keep doing if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore that's fine I
will never ever ever deny that Frisky helped grow my channel as big as it is
he definitely did I I got my first like 10 or 15 K whatever from doing my Wow RP
videos but then Frisky helped get me into gmod and that shit helped really
helped me grow um and this the the fact that he didn't respect me enough to like
talk about this off stream or whatever this made me not care enough to not talk
about this I'll probably explain this in the next stream again I don't care you
guys deserve to know because now only some of the audience knows and not
everybody knows and I don't all of all this being said I am being 100% genuine
with this do not do not go out of your way to harass Frisky don't go to his
videos and mention me don't talk about me and his dreams just leave him alone
let him do his own thing I want to explain it to you guys cuz I feel like
you guys deserve to know but I do not want actual harassment out of this if
you guys show up to the twitch raids you guys know that I'm not trying to target
ly harass people like he claimed or whatever I like if there are people I'm
trying to trigger yes when people get angry it's funny it's a funny reaction
there was a girl during that that stream that we just watched that she started
getting an anxiety attack because of all of us coming to her stream and like
saying a cancerous shit that we stay so I got the fuck out immediately like if
someone is genuinely feeling attacked or someone is genuinely
feeling like there being like like they can't handle it I back off but if
someone is just getting mad and angry that's funny
and that's exactly what me and frisky did back in the garrysmod days and him
saying that like that's trolling not targeted harassment that's so dumb
I'm sorry I do not agree with that argument you're just saying I did the
same thing but I'm gonna give it a different label so it's okay so it's
okay um I don't intend on stopping the twitch raids I have fun with them and I
definitely set boundaries and promote from what I've seen the most of the
people in the community that do stuff like I do like Spartan and nerd and
cronic they're all saying like ah they they publicly basically said that like
they don't they think he's were overreacting and I feel like a lot of
people agree that this shouldn't have been done um that this shouldn't have
been done in front of 600 people Shannon shared in the destroyer dude that was
like my favorite meme from that video don't worry we all believe you Sweeney
wow that was real bad don't really fuck about I don't care for the rains but I
still like you and that's fine you don't have to like every piece of content like
you literally said in your second sentence there shouldn't be enough to
lose friends over it yeah I agree I.

PixelCat Explains the Drama Between Him & Frisky Live

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